First of all, if i manage a company, spreadsheet is a good partner for me. For instance, i can use the spreadsheet formula to calculate daily total income quickly. You know, if i calculate daily total income with calculation instead of spreadsheet, i will waste a lot of time that i don't have to waste. Calculating the outcome with spreadsheet formula just needs 1 second. Besides, i can know the change of daily achievement directly by graph. Based on that, i can estimate when people need coffee, and which coffee is the most popular. I can gather a lot of helpful information. Well, spreadsheet also is a good tool to make analysis of finical statement. For an enterprise, finical is a essential issue. So it is obvious that spreadsheet is a good partner.
In addition, social media is a good partner to help develop enterprise. I can put the advertisement on Facebook, twitter or on some other website to enhance our reputation and attract customer. By the way, i can put our recruit and employ on different website to take in some capable managers.
Anyway, social media and spreadsheet are essential.